Kool & the Gang – Kool and the Gang ’70

Debüt Album von Kool & the Gang,
inkl. der Singles: „Kool And The Gang“, „The Gang’s Back Again“ und „Let the Music Take Your Mind“
Album Liner Notes von Gene Redd
I have written, produced and arranged for many artists including Eartha Kitt, Steve Rossi, James Brown, 0. C. Smith, Jackie Wilson, King Curtis, the Platters and others and I surely knew that my career had seen and heard the most lustrous and talented of stars until I discovered these eight super talented incomparable young musicians from Jersey City, N.J. I immediately realized that their potential would earn them success unknown by most musicians.
„Kool And The Gang,“ in such a short time has gained popularity, recognizition and prestige which will undoubtly establish them as the number one band in the land.
Throughout this album you will wonder, how can a group generate excitement and relaxation simultaneously. You will also experience rich impeccable blend of tones between the horns, which come out sounding three times as big, supported by such infectious dynamic funky rhythms which make „Kool And The Gang“ a real „Sound Experience.“
Gene Redd
Album Liner Notes von Jerry Boulding
„Kool And The Gang“, a new phrase, a new group, and new sound and a new concept in music. Here’s an example of youth breaking through and being heard.
Six months ago the thought that maybe or perhaps a group such as this and a sound such as they have wouldn’t even have been within the realm of possibilily. So sit back now and enjoy „Kool And The Gang“ doing their thing. Individually the members of the „Gang“ are:
Kool, George, Spike, Richie, Dennis, Ronnie, Claydes and Woody.
There are a number of new and original tunes on this album. Particularly I think you will have to dig… „Kool’s Back Again“ and „Sea of Tranquility.“
„Kool And The Gang“ are what’s happening. As fantastic in person as they are on records, they’re a winner. The best of everything that’s good and groovy is what we all wish good these beautiful brothers. They have overcome a number of obstacles that could have prevented a less determined group from really making it. They have been playing together for just a short time, but in that short time they are „Really Together.“ They’re really hot now but you’ve got to blow hot, if you wont to be cool. Hot or cool, you’ll dig „Kool And The Gang.“
Jerry Boulding (Musical Dir. WWRL)
mehr Infos zum Album: Wikipedia