Colonel Abrams – Colonel Abrams ’85

Debüt Album von Colonel Abrams, inkl. der Singles: „The Truth“, „I’m Not Gonna Let You“, „Over and over“, „Speculation“ und dem Hit „Trapped“
mehr Infos zum Album: Wikipedia

Colonel Abrams - Trapped
- The Tracks That Built The House > The House Sound of Chicago am Di.., 05.08.14
[…] Trapped (Dance Version) 6:33 1985 (Colonel Abrams, Marston Freeman) Mix: Timmy Regisford | Exec. Producer: Steven Machat | an AMI Production | Label: MCA Records from the Album “Colonel Abrams“ […]
- Diverse House Alben › The House Sound of Chicago am Sa.., 27.12.14
[…] Colonel Abrams-Colonel Abrams ’85 […]
Colonel Abrams Websites
Colonel Abrams (25.05.1949 in Detroit; † 25.11.2016)