Booker T. & the MG’s – Hip Hug-Her ’67

Diskografie Album funkygog


inkl. der Singles: „Hip Hug-Her“, „Groovin'“ und „Slim Jenkin’s Place“.

Album Liner Notes:

The clouds have signed a peace treaty assuring that for the next six months they’ll cease firing snow flakes at all of the „HIP HUG-HER“ lovers.
This phenomenal agreement has dispensed with all of nature’s elements that kept the sun from warming the favorite places of contemporary music fans.

Arrangements are being made for the hot days. Every ‚hip‘ lass is in the midst of completing her wardrobe consisting of bikini tops and „HIP HUG-HERS“ varying in style, color, length and size. The parade of ’67 fads, latest model transistors and portable record players, have started dominating the beaches, parks and other locations that offer musical entertainment.

Booker T. & The MG’s were the first to register for participation in this summer’s activities. Their early anticipation of the kind of music that fans expect during the months of sunshine has made them number one in instrumental soul sounds.
During their appearances with the STAX/VOLT REVUE in England last month, British audiences were quick to acclaim Booker T. & The MG’s. The warm reception Booker T. and the group received from British fans was a welcome stimulus for the group as most of their time is spent in the STAX studio.

This album, Booker T. & The MG’s contribution to music, is for the enjoyment not only of those who favor the „Memphis Sound“ but also for those who need an additional urge to convert them to the belief that „soul is the thing this year.“

mehr Infos zum Album: Wikipedia


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