Al Greene – Back Up Train ’67

Debüt Album von Al Green
hier noch unter seinem Familiennamen Greene
Album Liner Notes
You’ve heard that old saying, „Youth must be served“. In this case „Youth“ is serving and in generous portions. In the grooves of this album is excitement and delicious soul, served up by young Al Greene. For those of us who knew Al before he Backed Up His Train to the top of the charts, the sweet, mellow and tasty soul of this LP that grooves from start to finish, is what we expected: SLIGHTLY INCREDIBLE!
Al Greene is a complete entertainer. From a humble beginning at the gospel temple in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Al’s talents were quite apparent. Like so many other great R&B singers, Al’s great soul has its foundation in spiritual music. The Greene Brothers provided Al with his first taste of entertainment. That was followed by the single most important juncture in his fast rising career, Al Greene and the Creations.
Within the Creations were Palmer James and Curtis Rodgers who later wrote and produced „BACK UP TRAIN“. It was also on their new label, „Hot Line Music Journal“ where each launched the other.
Today AI Greene travels from coast to coast, pouring out the all encompassing sound of a great young entertainer. At times, if you listen closely, you can hear a taste of the two entertainers who influenced Al the most, James Brown and most of all, Sam Cooke.
..BACK UP TRAIN“ is sweet, funky: fast, slow and „BACK UP TRAIN“ is entertainment! It’s also a language spoken by very hip people for very hip people. On this record you will hear that something extra that separates a good sin, and a great entertainer. You can hear that spark that ignites an audience.
Soul is being served within!
Michael Jay
Info: Der Titeltrack wurde ursprünglich ’67 veröffentlicht unter „Al Greene & The Soul Mates“